
The best way to unblock your drains without calling a professional

Posted by Asim Shareef on Jul 09 2022 at 06:19PM PDT

For many households, blocked drains are among the most unpleasant household problems to have to deal with. The answer to this problem seems simple—just get someone to unblock your drains, right? Unfortunately, it’s not quite that simple. A lot of the so-called experts claiming to be able to unblock your drains may in fact be incompetent or dishonest, and you don’t want either one of those things happening if you can help it. A better solution, then, would be to take matters into your own hands—and who better to learn from than the professionals?

Grease on the Side
First, identify the grease on the side of your drain. If it is coming from the kitchen, it is probably grease. If it is coming from the bathroom, it is probably soap scum. Second, put on gloves and mix one part baking soda with one part vinegar. Third, pour the mixture down the drain and let it sit for fifteen minutes. Fourth, flush the drain with hot water. Fifth, if the drain is still blocked, repeat steps two through four. Sixth, if the drain is still blocked, you may need to call a professional. Seventh, enjoy your unblocked drain!

Limescale in Bathrooms
Limescale is a chalky white substance that can build up in kettles, toilets, and pipes. It’s caused by hard water, which has high levels of calcium and magnesium. While limescale isn’t harmful, it can be unsightly and difficult to remove. If you have limescale in your bathroom, there are a few ways you can remove it yourself. A vinegar solution is an easiest and most cost-effective method. First, mix one cup of distilled vinegar with two cups of hot water. Pour the mixture into a bowl or bucket and then dip an old toothbrush into the solution before scrubbing at the lime scale buildup on fixtures or fittings. Rinse with clean water after brushing to ensure all traces of vinegar are removed from surfaces (vinegar will damage marble). Another option for tackling stubborn limescale deposits is with lemon juice mixed with salt – pour about half a cup each onto a cloth, wring out any excess liquid then scrub at fixtures as above until clean.

Toys in Toilets
It’s every parent’s nightmare – you hear a splash coming from the bathroom, only to find that your child has flushed their favorite toy down the toilet. But before you panic, there are a few things you can do to try and retrieve the toy. First, turn off the water to the toilet so that it doesn’t refill and make the problem worse. Then, use a plunger to try and dislodge the toy. If that doesn’t work, you can try using a wire hanger to fish it out. Be careful not to damage the pipes, though! If all else fails, you’ll need to call a professional plumber to come and take care of the problem.

Sinks with hair in them
Every home has at least one sink, and most have several. The sink is used daily for various tasks such as washing dishes, hands, and face. Over time, the drain can become clogged with soap scum, hair, and other debris. When this happens, the water will no longer drain properly and may even back up into the sink. Luckily, there is an easy way to prevent this from happening. By adding an air vent under your sink drain pipes, you will allow the water to drain more freely and prevent clogs from forming.

Appliances with drain clogs
You can use a plunger to try and dislodge the clog. If that doesn’t work, you can try using a plumbing snake. Be careful, though, as you don’t want to damage your pipes. You can also try using boiling water to melt the clog. If all of these fail, you may need to call a professional.

Change Your Water Spigot Aerator
Every home has at least one water spigot outside, and most have several. Over time, these fixtures can become clogged with sediment and minerals, which can restrict water flow. You may notice this when watering your plants or washing your car—the water pressure is weak, or the stream is small and uneven. Before you call a professional (and incur a pricey service fee), try cleaning or changing your water spigot aerator. This is a quick and easy fix that you can do yourself in just a few minutes!

Add an Air Vent Under Sink Drain Pipes
You can add an air vent under your sink drain pipes to help with the drainage. This is a simple project that anyone can do and it can really help improve the drainage in your home. Plus, it’s a great way to save money on plumbing bills. Here’s how you can do it For more


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